REGROW your HAIR without drugs or surgery.
We use the latest in hair growth developments (PEPTIDES, AMINO ACIDS, PROBIOTICS) to accelerate your regrowth.
Target the root cause, rather than the symptom, and get regrowth without side effects.
We use the latest in hair growth developments to accelerate your regrowth
- Take picture of the scalp before starting Dr. Shahid Hair Care Serums and save for future comparisons
- Take picture at end of 3 months and then monthly
- Must be used twice a day and once started don’t leave it of have gaps for wonderful results
- Must follow instructions: –
-Appy twice daily, -Apply on dry hair and if taken shower need to dry the scalp with hair dryer before, application,
-Massage deeply into scalp, -If need hair gel it must be applied after massaging
- Do not Discontinue the treatment before 4 months since this treatment does not show results overnight like hair transplant
- IMPORTANT: -Don’t be disappointed by Dreaded Minoxidil Shedding Phenomenon: -There is brief period of hair shedding in lasting for about 4 weeks. It is indicative that that treatment is working and transitioning to new hair cycle
- Minoxidil alone is just hair growth agonist, stimulates growth of remaining hair and does not reverse follicle miniaturization or reverse the cause of hair loss (Must use Dr. Shahid Hair Care Serums to treat the cause of your hair fall.
- Dr. Shahid Skincare serum with Minoxidil, Finasteride fortified with special Peptides, Probiotics, and natural ingredients and the Derma roller for wonderful scientifically proven results. This combination treats the cause of the hair loss, stimulates hair follicle stem cell bulge, increases blood supply to the hair follicles and provides nutrients to the starved hair follicles.
The hair follicle is an organ found in mammalian skin. It resides in the dermal layer of the skin and is made up of 20 different cell types, each with distinct functions. The hair follicle regulates hair growth via a complex interaction between hormones, neuropeptides, and immune cells.

Hair follicles are subjected to constant turnover and there are 5 Phases of Hair from growth to hair fall.
- ANAGEN Phase (Phase of active hair growth)
- Responsible for final length of hair
- 80-90% of scalp hair at any one time in this phase.
- Lasts for 3-4 years or more in scalp.
- CATAGEN Phase (Phase of regression)
- At the end of Anagen phase the follicle enters an involutionary phase know as Catagen phase
- Proximal end of hair shaft keratinizes to form club shaped structure.
- The lower part of the follicle involutes (rolls in words) by apoptosis.
- Base of follicle, together with its dermal papilla move upwards to lie just below the level of arrector pili (This is a tiny muscle that attaches to the base of a hair follicle at one end and to dermal tissue on the other end. In order to generate heat when the body is cold, the arrector pili muscles contract all at once, causing the hair to “stand up straight” on the skin.)
- This phase lasts 3 weeks.
- Approximately 2% of the hair on the scalp are in this phase
- TELOGEN Phase (Resting phase)
- The period between completion of the follicular regression and onset of the next
- The club hair lies within an epithelial sac to which it is attached by trichilemmal keratin. (Club hairs are an end product of final hair growth and feature a bulb of keratin (protein) at the root tip of a strand. This bulb keeps the hair in the follicle until it sheds, and the hair growth cycle starts).
- Last about 3 months and 8-10 hair of scalp are in this phase
4.EXOGEN Phase (shedding of hair fiber)
- This is highly controlled active process of shedding of the hair fibre.
- This is not the newly formed hair fiber pushing the resting shaft outward to effect shedding as falsely believed.
5.KENOGEN Phase (interval between Telogen phase and Anagen phase
- The interval of hair cycle in which the hair follicle remains empty after the Telogen phase hair has been extruded and before a new Anagen phase hair emerges.

Androgenetic alopecia or common male pattern baldness (MPB) accounts for more than 95% of hair loss and can cause male or female pattern baldness Most men who suffer from male pattern baldness are extremely unhappy with their situation and would do anything to change it. Hair loss affects every aspect of the hair loss sufferer’s life. It affects interpersonal relationships as well as the professional lives of those suffering. It is not uncommon for men to change their career paths because of their hair loss.
- Male Pattern Baldness (
- Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL)